The chronciles of inotia 2
The chronciles of inotia 2

the chronciles of inotia 2

Shortcomings aside, the casual nature of the game results in a highly accessible title, allowing new players to quickly become involved in the dark (albeit predictable) mysteries which abound the lands of Carnia. Unlike other RPG titles, there is also little re-playability afforded by choosing different class types, with your choice having little to no bearing on the story or fundamental game play. However, the clunky controls (which I’ll talk about later) can make it difficult to execute anything more complex than a simple rush or retreat. This initial choice will have an impact on the tactics you’ll adopt later in the game when fending off Carnia’s more dangerous inhabitants. Whilst gamers would expect nothing less from an RPG title, the repetitive quests quickly become stale as you grind your way various mob’s in the vain hope of achieving something more worthwhile.Īt the start of the game you’re given the opportunity to choose your characters class from a pool of typical sword-and-sorcery types. The variety of missions, in keeping with the genre, is a mix of fetching items or battling monsters.

the chronciles of inotia 2

The quest system adopts a traditional approach, whereby missions are provided by the NPC’s dotted throughout the world. As such the game is easy to pick up and play, although by removing the need to invest any emotional attachments to the characters, it can at times appear shallow and only maintain a tenuous hold of your attention. This won’t come as revelation to gamers, as it’s something we’ve come to accept in casual RPG’s released on mobile platforms such as Android. Inotia 3’s story is as predictable as can be expected- filled with the clichés, poor dialogue and generic villains that we’ve come to know and love. Completely free, although supported through ad’s and micro-transactions.Robust interface with configurable controls.Adorned with crafted animé-style artwork.

The chronciles of inotia 2